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sponsor a child

You can sponsor a child today and support a whole community. When you sponsor a child, your donations help to provide what's needed for more children to thrive, like the chance to go to school, building knowledge, skills and confidence. And access to water and healthcare, to grow up healthy and strong.  

You also help build resilient communities that can support and protect children as they grow. Communities which prevent child marriage and encourage girls to stay in school – even in crisis.  

Start your sponsorship journey today.

What you will receive

What you will receive

Your journey starts with a welcome pack and continues with regular updates. Here’s what to expect:

Your journey starts with a welcome pack and continues with regular updates. Here’s what to expect:

You will receive a welcome pack introducing your sponsored child

Welcome pack

Your welcome pack introduces you to the child you sponsor. You’ll find photos and lots of information all about them, their community and the country they live in. Expect your welcome pack to arrive within 4-7 days of signing up.

You can also share drawings and might get some back too!

Letter writing 

The welcome pack also includes a letter writing handbook full of top tips to help you start sharing letters right away. For each letter you send to the child you sponsor, you’ll receive a letter back. You can also share drawings and might get some back too! 

Received regular updates about your sponsored child's progress

Regular updates 

We’ll also keep you updated through annual updates from the community. You'll see how they're combining their knowledge with your support to drive change for children. 

Why become a sponsor?

Why become a sponsor?

Sponsorship icon

Build a unique connection 

As a sponsor, you will be connected to a child who’s an ambassador for their community. You can build this special connection by sharing letters, drawings, and photos.

Child protection

Support a whole community 

Sponsorship supports communities to educate, empower and protect their children. Every sponsored child’s journey is unique — but each sponsorship can help drive long-lasting change to benefit everyone in the community and beyond.

Donation illustration

Power change with pennies 

It's just 65p a day to sponsor a child which support whole communities too. Every year, we spend at least 80% on our charitable activities. This includes emergency response and long-term development projects. 

Hamda's story

“Now I go to school when I have my period and I don’t miss any classes,” explains Hamda,15, from Somalia.

This wasn’t always the case for Hamda. She was forced to stay home because she couldn’t manage her period at school. Discussing periods was also taboo.

“I didn’t have anything to use and clean myself with, it was so embarrassing. When I missed class, I got behind."

Things are different now. Hamda’s community is more aware of girls’ health issues through Plan International. And clean, safe toilets have been built at Hamda’s school.

“I’m so happy for this,” says Hamda.

You can help a young person like Hamda thrive by becoming a child sponsor today.

sponsor a child

Hamda standing with books in her hand
Hamda, 15, now goes to school when she has her period.

Why choose Plan International?

Why choose Plan International?

About us

At Plan International UK we’ve been advancing children’s rights and equality for girls for over 85 years. We’re working to create a world where every child is safe and protected from violence. Where they have access to the education, healthcare, clean water and opportunities they need to thrive.

We use local knowledge

Our pioneering child sponsorship programme supports communities to protect and empower children and champion girls’ rights. We work closely with children, girls and local communities, listen to the challenges they face and combine our expertise with their knowledge to find long-lasting solutions together.

We strive for lasting impact

By choosing to sponsor with Plan International UK, you will help create lasting change for children who need it most. You will form a one-to-one connection with the child you sponsor, and your donations will be used to fund vital projects benefiting whole communities in the country where your sponsored child lives.

Why sponsorship matters


girls are married before they reach the age of 18 worldwide each year.


of children globally don’t have enough water to meet their daily needs.


children are living in an area affected by conflict.

Your support in action

We reached nearly 10 million children, young people and their communities around the world last year.

Your support in action

We reached nearly 10 million children, young people and their communities around the world last year.

Irene standing in front of brick wall smiling at camera

"I want to be a teacher when I leave school"

Climate chaos damaged Irene’s school but her community was able to bounce back. Your sponsorship helps girls to keep learning. 

Thailan at school

A place for children to learn and grow  

Thailan’s community built a pre-school so she has a place to learn and grow. It’s one of 400 and your sponsorship could build more. 

A young man called Jimmy smiling

“I thought menstruation was a kind of illness” 

A health club in Jimmy’s school in Uganda helps bust period myths so school is more comfortable for girls. Your sponsorship can help create more equal communities.  

Sharing hopes for the future

Sharing hopes for the future

A sponsored child's drawing of a mother and child

“Though everything looks tough, I am tougher than the situation.”

Sponsored child, Kenya

A sponsored child's drawing of a Christmas tree

“Different language is not a hindrance in making friends.”

Sponsored child, Kenya

drawing of music

“My dream is to be a musician in the future.”

Sponsored child, Sierra Leone

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Is sponsorship like adoption?

No, it's not. The girl you sponsor will have a family of her own, but your words of encouragement play an important role for her and her community. Letter writing also helps girls learn about other cultures and improve their literacy skills.

Can I send a gift?

Yes, you can send small gifts that fit in an A4 package. To promote fairness we ask you to follow our guidelines on what you can send. These include modest, shareable items such as crayons or skipping ropes.

How long will I sponsor for?

We hope your relationship with us and the girl you sponsor will continue for a number of years. But, if your circumstances change, you can stop at any time and we will try to find another sponsor for her. Children are usually sponsored until they are 18.

How do you keep children safe?

Your support will not only help end harmful practices such as child marriage and FGM. Safeguarding children and young people is at the heart of everything we do, which is why we have well-established systems in place to make sure the children we work with are protected.

What about boys?

Whether you choose to sponsor a girl or a boy, you’ll help projects focused on equal opportunities for all children. We know girls are the most vulnerable and we ensure that boys play an important role in building secure communities that value girls.

How can I request more information?

Our Supporter Relations team are happy to answer any questions about sponsorship and our work. You can reach them on 0300 777 9779 or or request an information pack below.

Sponsor a child

Help a child to thrive and achieve their dreams.