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Where we work 

Together we are building a more equal world in over 80 countries across the globe.

Where we work

Together we are building a more equal world in over 80 countries across the globe.

Children in every part of the world are held back by inequality, violence and poverty. Their voices are not heard, they’re denied their right to an education, they’re not in control of their futures. And it’s often girls that are most affected.

That’s why promoting children’s rights and equality for girls across the world is so important. 

We are part of the Plan International family that works in more than 80 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe, including in the UK, to create lasting change for children and their communities

Donations raised by Plan International UK fund life-changing programmes in over 40 countries, helping to build a world where every child can reach their full potential and every girl can choose her own future. 

But it isn’t just us. All over the world, children, families, communities and partner organisations are driving this work forward. They are leading us towards a more equal future.

Our global impact in 2022


million children took part in our programmes.


communities worked with us to create change.


projects were made possible together.

Equal access to learning for all: Lidia's story 

“I was made to feel different because of my disability, just because I walk differently. Even some members of my family rejected me.

"In my community, going to school is a challenge for those with disabilities. Some children are hidden away at home by their parents and are not allowed to go to school at all. But everyone deserves to learn." Lidia, Togo.

In Togo, children like Lidia are getting an education with help from Plan International’s sponsorship programme.

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Lidia, Togo, feels more confident in class after receiving support from Plan International.
Speech therapist and psychologist Nataliia
Speech therapist and psychologist Nataliia Levina works with five-year-old Pavel

Ukraine conflict: Pavel’s story

"Pavel only started speaking at the age of four,” explains Natalia. “We had started sessions with a speech therapist, but this all ended once the war broke out.” 

War in Ukraine forced Natalia to flee to safety with her family, including 5-year-old son Pavel who is autistic. They found it at the HumanDoc refugee integration centre in Warsaw. The centre is supported by Plan International and provides support services for children and adults who have arrived in Poland. 

“Here at the HumanDoc centre, Pavel has the opportunity to resume speech therapy sessions with the psychologists and therapists on hand.”

Girl leaders: Brendy’s story

"Women are not taken into account, but women have the same rights. We can work and study, not just stay at home,” says Brendy, 12.

Brendy is a part of a girl’s empowerment project run by Plan International in Peru. She and other girls are learning about harmful effects of toxic masculinity and gender-based violence and working together on initiatives challenging gender norms and promoting change in their community. 

“Since taking part in this project I feel more empowered and able to stand up to violence and macho stereotypes that limit my and other girls’ growth,” says Brendy.

Brendy, 12, is a girl leader who wants to make a change in her community
Brendy, 12, is a girl leader who wants to make a change in her community

A global story

To learn more about the Plan International family and work across specific countries, please visit the global website.