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Ukraine Conflict: Children's Appeal

The outbreak of conflict in Ukraine has forced millions of children and their families to flee their homes, their livelihoods, and their loved ones. 

Every day, children’s lives are being turned upside down by their experiences of war. But your incredible support means we can provide life-changing assistance.

While we don’t know how long the conflict will last, Plan International and our partners will continue to be there – through conflict and as communities rebuild and recover.

Escaping the conflict

Viktoriia fled to Romania to escape the conflict with her two children, Leva, 2, and Nikita, 14, leaving her home and livelihood behind. Viktoriia received our cash vouchers which give families the independence and choice in managing their own household needs.  

“Thank you very much for everything. When I was told that today you were going to come and give these vouchers I cried because those we don’t know are helping us," says Viktoriia.  

Thanks to your support, more families like Viktoriia’s can receive cash and voucher assistance to help them buy essentials like food, clothing and menstrual health products. 

Viktoriia with her two children Leva and Nikita
Viktoriia with her two children Leva and Nikita. Image credit: George Calin / DEC
Over 500 child refugees now have backpacks like this thanks to your donations. The backpacks come complete with educational items and hygiene kits.
Over 500 child refugees now have backpacks like this thanks to your donations. The backpacks come complete with educational items and hygiene kits.

Our response

Your donations helped us to quickly mobilise our experts and set up much-needed support across Romania, Moldova and Poland. Together we have: 

  • Set up mobile child protection units to provide psychological support to children arriving from Ukraine. 
  • Trained teachers in mental health and psychosocial support in Poland and Moldova.  
  • Distributed educational materials like tablets to help children keep learning even when they are away from school.  
  • Provided psychological support to children and their caregivers as they come to terms with their experiences.
  • Helped to provide safe schools and shelters where children can continue their education.

Read inspiring first-hand stories

Image credits: Michael Kappeler / DPA
Image credits: Michael Kappeler / DPA

Disasters Emergency Committee

Plan International UK is a member of the Disasters Emergency Committee, an umbrella organisation that brings together 15 UK aid agencies to tackle major humanitarian emergencies. 

Since the start of the crisis in Ukraine, Plan International has been working with the other charities in the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) on an urgent, far-reaching response. In these times of crisis, people in life-and-death situations need our help and our aim, and that of the DEC, is to save, protect and rebuild lives through effective humanitarian response.

Any donations received that exceed what is needed for this emergency will be held in reserve to respond wherever the need is greatest. Thank you for your generosity. 

Banner photo: Julia is 5 years old and travelled for hours with her family to reach safety at the Romanian border.