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London marathon

Frequently asked questions

London Marathon

Frequently asked questions

How do I apply to join Team Plan and run the London Marathon for Plan International UK?

Thank you for your interest in joining Team Plan to help support children and girls across the world at the TCS London Marathon. To apply for one of our places please fill in our application form. We can’t wait to hear from you. 

Can I run for Plan International UK if I have a ballot place?

Yes of course, we would love to have you! Email our Events Team at and we will very happily welcome you to Team Plan.


What do I need to include in my application?

We have limited places in the London Marathon so ask people to include as much detail as possible in their applications. We recommend including lots of information about why you want to run for Plan International UK and what your fundraising plan will be to help your application stand out.

Why do I need to fundraise £500 by the 31st January 2024?

We know from our previous runners that by fundraising early, they had more time to focus on their training as it got closer to the big day. 

We want to make sure you have a fantastic time running and fundraising for Plan International UK which is why we have set this 25% deadline to help you keep on top of things. We have a dedicated team who will be on hand to support you throughout your marathon journey so you will have plenty of help to reach this target. 


What should I do if I am concerned or need support with my fundraising?

We can definitely help with that! Get in touch with us at

When you register for one of our places, we will send through our London Marathon Welcome Pack which is full of advice to get your fundraising started. We will also be in touch regularly to share our top fundraising tips and ideas.   


What should I do if I sustain an injury and can no longer take part?

Of course, we hope this doesn’t happen but if it does then simply get in touch at so we can talk about the next steps. Informing us quickly means we may have the opportunity to offer the place to someone on our waiting list and maximise our opportunity to raise funds for equality for girls. This is only possible before 8th January 2024, to ensure they have enough time to train and fundraise.

What if I don't reach my overall £2000 fundraising target?

If you are worried at all about reaching your £2000 target please get in touch with us as soon as you can – we’re here to help (

If you haven’t been able to raise your £2000 target by six weeks after the deadline, we will have a chat with you about doing some further fundraising activities to cover the cost of your place and to support our work to advance children’s rights and equality for girls all over the world. 

Our previous Team Plan marathon runners recommend a combination of promoting through social media and organising a couple of events at work or in your local community. We have all the event materials and advice to help you put your fundraising plan into action so make sure to stay in touch. 

Join Team Plan

Run for us in the London Marathon